Copyright (c) 1988, David B. Wecker
All Rights Reserved
* This file is part of DBW_uRAY
* DBW_uRAY is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts
* responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it or for
* whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all, unless
* he says so in writing. Refer to the DBW_uRAY General Public
* License for full details.
* Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
* DBW_uRAY, but only under the conditions described in the
* DBW_uRAY General Public License. A copy of this license is
* supposed to have been given to you along with DBW_uRAY so you
* can know your rights and responsibilities. It should be in a file
* named LICENSE. Among other things, the copyright notice and this
* notice must be preserved on all copies.
* Authors:
DBW - David B. Wecker
* Versions:
V1.0 881023 DBW
- First released version
V1.1 881110 DBW - Fixed scan coherence code
V1.2 881125 DBW - Removed ALL scan coherence code (useless)
added "fat" extent boxes
V1.3 881203 DBW - Fixed single precision TOLerances
DBW_uRAY (micro raytracer) is a small raytracer developed for my own test
purposes and made available to anyone who wishes to play with ray tracing
algorithms. It runs on several different machines in many different
configurations. It has been tested on:
Amiga 68000/68010/68020 with/without 68881 (using Manx 3.6 compiler)
Vax Ultrix and VMS
Its features are:
VERY good ray tracing algorithm
Automatic oct-tree extent generation for FAST ray tracing
Simple input file format
SMALL easy to read code
very portable
built in advanced features like waves and textures
generates .ILBM files directly
generates .TMP files (compatable with DBW_RENDER v2.0)
easy to extend
progammable aspect ratio and angle of view
single or double precision floating point
automatic (no overhead) sky and ground generation
dithered .ILBM file for much more accurate color reproduction
can generate 24 bit .TMP files ( 16 million colors )
can generate pictures upto 1024 x 1024
See URAY.DAT for a sample input file. The options are:
DEPTH - Maximum recursion depth
COLS - columns in the picture
ROWS - rows in the picture
START - row to start raytracing at
- row to end with
- Bits/Pixel in the .tmp file (24,12 or 0 (== no .tmp file wanted))
- angle of view (in degrees) <<<<YOUR EYE IS ALWAYS AT 0,0,0>>>>
ASPECT - aspect ratio (For Amiga use .544)
NEAR - ambient (background color for "sky" near the eye)
- ambient (background color for "sky" far from the eye (horizon))
GROUND - ambient (background color below the horizon (y < 0))
BASE - minimum diffuse lighting for any object (blackness of shadows)
The background is made up of three colors:
NEAR - the sky overhead
- the sky at the horizon
GROUND - the ground color
Wave sources are listed with a "WAVES" statement. Parameters are:
- n is the number of lines that follow. Each line has 6 numbers:
x y z
- center of the wave
- initial amplitude of the wave
- initial phase shift
- wavelength
- damping from wave to wave
Attributes are listed with an "ATTRIBUTES" statement. Parameters are:
ATTRIBUTES n - n is the number of lines containing:
r g b
- base diffuse color
- amount of diffuse coloring
- specular factor (reflection)
- transmission factor (transparency)
- index of refraction (for Kt) 1.0 = none
- self lighting factor (light source)
- inverse square law distance (0 = no inv sq law)
- fuzz factor (0 = none 1 = max)
- wave number (starts at 0) or -1 = no waves -2 = all waves
- texture:
- none
1 r g b x y z - checker in color (r g b) at scale (x y z)
2 r g b
- random mottled (alternate color = r g b)
3 r g b a b c - X axis blend (alt = r g b, X range= a - b - c)
4 r g b a b c - Y axis blend (alt = r g b, Y range= a - b - c)
5 r g b a b c - Z axis blend (alt = r g b, Z range= a - b - c)
Note: When refering to waves or attributes the first one defined is number 0
the next is number 1 and so forth.
Finally objects:
SPHERE a x y z r
- Do a sphere with attribute a (>= 0)
Center at (x y z) with radius r
QUAD a x y z i j k l m n
- Do a rectangle with attribute a (>= 0)
Corners at (x y z), (x+i y+j z+k), and
(x+l y+m z+n)
TRIANGLE a x y z i j k l m n- Do a triangle with attribute a (>= 0)
Corners at (x y z), (x+i y+j z+k), and
(x+l y+m z+n)
RING a x y z i j k l m n b c- Do a ring with attribute a (>= 0)
Corners at (x y z), (x+i y+j z+k), and
(x+l y+m z+n) inner radius b and outer
radius c
If you have an input file called input.dat then just type:
uray input
and the program will run giving output like the following:
uRAY v1.2 881125 (C) 1988 D. Wecker - all rights reserved
Creating objects
Input file name: input
Maximum recursion depth: 20
Dimensions: 200 rows (0,200) 160 columns
Bits/Pixel: 24
Angle of view: 60 degrees
Aspect ratio: 0.544
Number of attributes: 6
Number of waves: 1
Creating object extents
Creating extent tree
Using 2 extents for 2 objects
Extent setup time: 0.17
Row 0: ..................................................
Row 50: ..................................................
Row 100: ..................................................
Row 150: .................................................
Total run time: 115.40
False hits: Extents = 60215, Nodes = 5077
Good hits: Extents = 6829, Nodes = 1752
Total hits: Extents = 67044, Nodes = 6829
To display the file on the Amiga, just say:
display input
Type a <CR> to exit the display.
- This file
- License agreement
- rebuild control (see later section)
Make.version - retitle source files
- ILBM display program for the Amiga
- automatic oct-tree extent generator
- ray intersection calculations
- output file generation (.ILBM and .TMP)
- random number generator
- RKM compression routines (for .ILBM files)
- file input and support routines
- texture calculations
- actual ray tracing code
- main module
- global definitions
- sample input file
- compiled Ultrix version
- compiled VMS version
- compiled Amiga single precision version
- compiled Amiga double precision version
- compiled Amiga co-processor (68881) version
- compiled Amiga 68020/single precision version
- compiled Amiga 68020/double precision version
- compiled Amiga 68020/68881 (coprocessor) version
- compiled Amiga display program
Rename the "uray_??" file that you wish to use to "uray".
For the Amiga, uncomment the appropriate definitins of FFLG, DBL and MLIB for
the type of processor/coprocessor and precision you want. Also uncomment the
"Standard flags" for the type of machine that you're on. Then:
make uray display
will re-make the ray-tracer and the display programs. See the Makefile for
further details.