Unicode Characters in the Bopomofo Block

List with images (slow)

Character Description Browser Font used
U+3105 BOPOMOFO LETTER B (U+3105) arial_unicode_ms
U+3106 BOPOMOFO LETTER P (U+3106) arial_unicode_ms
U+3107 BOPOMOFO LETTER M (U+3107) arial_unicode_ms
U+3108 BOPOMOFO LETTER F (U+3108) arial_unicode_ms
U+3109 BOPOMOFO LETTER D (U+3109) arial_unicode_ms
U+310A BOPOMOFO LETTER T (U+310A) arial_unicode_ms
U+310B BOPOMOFO LETTER N (U+310B) arial_unicode_ms
U+310C BOPOMOFO LETTER L (U+310C) arial_unicode_ms
U+310D BOPOMOFO LETTER G (U+310D) arial_unicode_ms
U+310E BOPOMOFO LETTER K (U+310E) arial_unicode_ms
U+310F BOPOMOFO LETTER H (U+310F) arial_unicode_ms
U+3110 BOPOMOFO LETTER J (U+3110) arial_unicode_ms
U+3111 BOPOMOFO LETTER Q (U+3111) arial_unicode_ms
U+3112 BOPOMOFO LETTER X (U+3112) arial_unicode_ms
U+3113 BOPOMOFO LETTER ZH (U+3113) arial_unicode_ms
U+3114 BOPOMOFO LETTER CH (U+3114) arial_unicode_ms
U+3115 BOPOMOFO LETTER SH (U+3115) arial_unicode_ms
U+3116 BOPOMOFO LETTER R (U+3116) arial_unicode_ms
U+3117 BOPOMOFO LETTER Z (U+3117) arial_unicode_ms
U+3118 BOPOMOFO LETTER C (U+3118) arial_unicode_ms
U+3119 BOPOMOFO LETTER S (U+3119) arial_unicode_ms
U+311A BOPOMOFO LETTER A (U+311A) arial_unicode_ms
U+311B BOPOMOFO LETTER O (U+311B) arial_unicode_ms
U+311C BOPOMOFO LETTER E (U+311C) arial_unicode_ms
U+311D BOPOMOFO LETTER EH (U+311D) arial_unicode_ms
U+311E BOPOMOFO LETTER AI (U+311E) arial_unicode_ms
U+311F BOPOMOFO LETTER EI (U+311F) arial_unicode_ms
U+3120 BOPOMOFO LETTER AU (U+3120) arial_unicode_ms
U+3121 BOPOMOFO LETTER OU (U+3121) arial_unicode_ms
U+3122 BOPOMOFO LETTER AN (U+3122) arial_unicode_ms
U+3123 BOPOMOFO LETTER EN (U+3123) arial_unicode_ms
U+3124 BOPOMOFO LETTER ANG (U+3124) arial_unicode_ms
U+3125 BOPOMOFO LETTER ENG (U+3125) arial_unicode_ms
U+3126 BOPOMOFO LETTER ER (U+3126) arial_unicode_ms
U+3127 BOPOMOFO LETTER I (U+3127) arial_unicode_ms
U+3128 BOPOMOFO LETTER U (U+3128) arial_unicode_ms
U+3129 BOPOMOFO LETTER IU (U+3129) arial_unicode_ms
U+312A BOPOMOFO LETTER V (U+312A) arial_unicode_ms
U+312B BOPOMOFO LETTER NG (U+312B) arial_unicode_ms
U+312C BOPOMOFO LETTER GN (U+312C) arial_unicode_ms
U+312D BOPOMOFO LETTER IH (U+312D) code2000
U+312E BOPOMOFO LETTER O WITH DOT ABOVE (U+312E) babelstone_han
U+312F BOPOMOFO LETTER NN (U+312F) babelstone_han