Font Support for Unicode Block 'Georgian'


This is a list of fonts that support characters in the Georgian Unicode block.


  Font Support
100% EversonMono 100% (88 of 88)
100% EversonMono-Bold 100% (88 of 88)
100% EversonMono-BoldOblique 100% (88 of 88)
100% EversonMono-Oblique 100% (88 of 88)
100% Quivira 100% (88 of 88)
100% Segoe UI 100% (88 of 88)
100% Segoe UI Bold 100% (88 of 88)
100% Segoe UI Italic 100% (88 of 88)
100% Segoe UI Light 100% (88 of 88)
100% Sylfaen 100% (88 of 88)
100% Unifont 100% (88 of 88)
94% Code2000 94% (83 of 88)
94% DejaVu Sans 94% (83 of 88)
94% DejaVu Sans Bold 94% (83 of 88)
94% DejaVu Sans Bold Oblique 94% (83 of 88)
94% DejaVu Sans Condensed 94% (83 of 88)
94% DejaVu Sans Condensed Bold 94% (83 of 88)
94% DejaVu Sans Condensed Bold Oblique 94% (83 of 88)
94% DejaVu Sans Condensed Oblique 94% (83 of 88)
94% DejaVu Sans Oblique 94% (83 of 88)
94% DejaVu Serif 94% (83 of 88)
94% DejaVu Serif Bold 94% (83 of 88)
94% DejaVu Serif Bold Italic 94% (83 of 88)
94% DejaVu Serif Condensed 94% (83 of 88)
94% DejaVu Serif Condensed Bold 94% (83 of 88)
94% DejaVu Serif Condensed Bold Italic 94% (83 of 88)
94% DejaVu Serif Condensed Italic 94% (83 of 88)
94% DejaVu Serif Italic 94% (83 of 88)
94% FreeSerif 94% (83 of 88)
94% FreeSerif Bold 94% (83 of 88)
94% FreeSerif Bold Italic 94% (83 of 88)
94% FreeSerif Italic 94% (83 of 88)
94% LastResort 94% (83 of 88)
94% Unicode BMP Fallback SIL 94% (83 of 88)
89% Arial Unicode MS 89% (78 of 88)
84% FreeSans 84% (74 of 88)
84% FreeSans Bold 84% (74 of 88)
84% FreeSans Bold Oblique 84% (74 of 88)
84% FreeSans Oblique 84% (74 of 88)
51% DejaVu Sans ExtraLight 51% (45 of 88)
51% DejaVu Sans Mono 51% (45 of 88)
51% DejaVu Sans Mono Bold 51% (45 of 88)
51% DejaVu Sans Mono Bold Oblique 51% (45 of 88)
51% DejaVu Sans Mono Oblique 51% (45 of 88)
47% FreeMono 47% (41 of 88)
47% FreeMono Bold 47% (41 of 88)
47% FreeMono Bold Oblique 47% (41 of 88)
47% FreeMono Oblique 47% (41 of 88)
44% MPH 2B Damase 44% (39 of 88)
1% Cardo 1% (1 of 88)
1% JunicodeRegular 1% (1 of 88)
1% LeedsUni 1% (1 of 88)