Unicode blocks supported by the MPH 2B Damase font

  Block Support
77% Basic Latin 77% (98 of 128)
74% Latin-1 Supplement 74% (95 of 128)
100% Latin Extended-A 100% (128 of 128)
57% Latin Extended-B 57% (119 of 208)
17% IPA Extensions 17% (16 of 96)
11% Spacing Modifier Letters 11% (9 of 80)
4% Combining Diacritical Marks 4% (5 of 112)
65% Greek and Coptic 65% (88 of 135)
37% Cyrillic 37% (94 of 256)
95% Armenian 95% (86 of 91)
58% Hebrew 58% (51 of 88)
77% Arabic 77% (198 of 256)
56% Arabic Supplement 56% (27 of 48)
100% Thaana 100% (50 of 50)
10% Bengali 10% (10 of 96)
1% Thai 1% (1 of 87)
44% Georgian 44% (39 of 88)
92% Cherokee 92% (85 of 92)
100% Hanunoo 100% (23 of 23)
97% Limbu 97% (66 of 68)
100% Tai Le 100% (35 of 35)
100% Buginese 100% (30 of 30)
38% Latin Extended Additional 38% (96 of 256)
50% General Punctuation 50% (56 of 111)
2% Superscripts and Subscripts 2% (1 of 42)
18% Currency Symbols 18% (6 of 33)
8% Letterlike Symbols 8% (6 of 80)
10% Number Forms 10% (6 of 60)
6% Arrows 6% (7 of 112)
6% Mathematical Operators 6% (15 of 256)
2% Miscellaneous Technical 2% (4 of 256)
31% Box Drawing 31% (40 of 128)
25% Block Elements 25% (8 of 32)
16% Geometric Shapes 16% (15 of 96)
4% Miscellaneous Symbols 4% (11 of 256)
98% Glagolitic 98% (94 of 96)
46% Coptic 46% (56 of 123)
95% Georgian Supplement 95% (38 of 40)
93% Tifinagh 93% (55 of 59)
98% Syloti Nagri 98% (44 of 45)
62% Alphabetic Presentation Forms 62% (36 of 58)
4% Arabic Presentation Forms-A 4% (24 of 631)
62% Arabic Presentation Forms-B 62% (88 of 141)
20% Specials 20% (1 of 5)
84% Linear B Syllabary 84% (74 of 88)
59% Linear B Ideograms 59% (73 of 123)
84% Aegean Numbers 84% (48 of 57)
90% Old Italic 90% (35 of 39)
100% Gothic 100% (27 of 27)
100% Ugaritic 100% (31 of 31)
100% Old Persian 100% (50 of 50)
95% Deseret 95% (76 of 80)
100% Shavian 100% (48 of 48)
100% Osmanya 100% (40 of 40)
100% Cypriot Syllabary 100% (55 of 55)
93% Phoenician 93% (27 of 29)
96% Kharoshthi 96% (65 of 68)

Count: 57