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Microsoft Windows Bitmap Format

(c) 1993 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Multimedia Technical Note: JPEG DIB 
Created: May 26, 1993
Goals for this DIB Format Extension
The purpose of this specification is twofold:
1.        To define a standard DIB extension for storing JPEG-encoded 
still images.

2.        To define a standard DIB extension for storing JPEG-encoded 
motion images.
A standard DIB extension is one in which the data format is clearly
defined so that any codec that claims to understand the standard will
be able to process the image data correctly. In addition, the image
data created by any codec must be readable by any other codec. In
other words, it must conform to the standard.
These standards are extensions to the standard DIB format defined by
Microsoftr Windows version 3.0 and extended by the technical note
entitled "DIB Format Extensions."
This standard will provide:
*        Immediate support for partial implementation of the full scope of
JPEG Baseline Sequential DCT process as defined in ISO 10918 for SOF0
(marker Code 0xFFC0). The implemented subset of the full scope shall
maximize cross-platform interchange between the known universe of
existing JPEG codecs.
*        Provision for transparent (or nearly so) implementation of the
full scope of JPEG Baseline Sequential DCT process as defined in ISO
10918 for SOF0 (marker Code 0xFFC0).
*        Provision for subsequent inclusion of additional non-hierarchical
JPEG processes on a singular and individual basis. The additional
JPEG processes identified by JPEG Markers SOF1, SOF2, SOF3, SOF9, 
SOF10, and SOF11 shall be capable of being implemented in whole or in
part by codecs with no constraint on the number or combination of
processes implemented. Provision for hierarchical processes is deemed
inappropriate to the DIB context.
*        Maximal conformance to existing implications of the 
BITMAPINFOHEADER structure and its use at application level and
system level. Adaptive redefinition of the BITMAPINFOHEADER shall
provide that members of the basic BITMAPINFOHEADER shall be
identically defined as the preliminary (and primary) members of each
re-definition of the BITMAPINFOHEADER. As a result, a pointer to a
re-defined BITMAPINFOHEADER structure shall always be capable of
being recast as a pointer to the basic BITMAPINFOHEADER from which it
is derived.
*        Consideration of the usage of the revised BITMAPINFOHEADER within
enclosing structures of type BITMAPINFO, or analogous substitutes for
*        Define JPEG DIBs in a manner "suitable" for AVI incorporation,
but unconstrained by AVI specific usage. A standalone JPEG DIB image
file shall not include conventions adopted solely for the convenience
of AVI file construction. The off-line process of creating AVI files 
should not bring AVI peculiar design requirements into the arena of
still image files.
It is assumed that the reader is familiar with JPEG as defined in the
ISO 10918 document. For additional information on JPEG see the ISO
10918 document.  For additional information about RIFF files, see the
Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) Multimedia 
Programmer's Guide and Multimedia Programmer's Reference.  For
additional information on installable compressors and decompressors,
see the "Video Compression/Decompression Drivers" technical note from
General Specifications
This specification will define two standards for use in Windows:
1.        JPEG still-image format
2.        JPEG motion format (a.k.a. motion-JPEG)
Type 1: Still Image JPEG
All JPEG DIB still image formats (e.g., DIB files) shall embed a 
complete "Interchange Format" JPEG data stream as a contiguous whole.
This provision shall eliminate inadvertent introduction of platform-,
system-, or application-specific conditions that may cause some
JPEG-compliant codecs to be incapable of processing the embedded JPEG
data of a DIB. Provision for indexed access to tables and other data
within the JPEG portion of a DIB shall be accommodated solely by the
introduction of new offset and length members in the body of the
revised BITMAPINFOHEADER structure (none are yet defined). This
provision permits any application or codec to construct a JPEG DIB
file simply by prepending the defined structures to JPEG data, then
perform a single pass through the JPEG data to calculate and set the
associated offset and length members which correlate to JPEG data
Type 2: Motion JPEG
Motion JPEG DIBs shall accommodate interchange formats that satisfy
the "General sequential and progressive syntax" (ISO 10918 Part 1,
Annex B, Para. B.2). A set of images of this type with compatible
parameters can be placed in an AVI file to describe a motion
sequence. Frame headers for these DIBs shall be limited to those
specified in Para B.2.2 of the cited Annex B. These types are SOF0,
SOF1, SOF2, SOF3, SOF9, SOF10, and SOF11. Of the types accommodated,
this specification provides implementation only for the Baseline 
Sequential DCT.
typedef struct tagEXBMINFOHEADER {
     /* extended BITMAPINFOHEADER fields */
     DWORD  biExtDataOffset;
     /* Other stuff will go here */
     /* Format-specific information */
     /* biExtDataOffset points here */
typedef struct tagJPEGINFOHEADER {
     /* compress-specific fields */
     DWORD  JPEGSize;
     DWORD  JPEGProcess;
     /* Process specific fields */
     DWORD  JPEGColorSpaceID;
     DWORD  JPEGBitsPerSample;
     DWORD  JPEGHSubSampling;
     DWORD  JPEGVSubSampling;
Field        Description

Standard BITMAPINFOHEADER fields        
These fields are valid for all DIBs, regardless of compression format.
biSize        Size of entire set of structures for header data. Image offset
in DIB file or '"packed" DIB is: biSize + biColorUsed*sizeof
biWidth        Width of decompressed image in pixels.
biHeight        Height of decompressed image in pixels.
biPlanes        1
biBitCount        24 for RGB or YCbCr, 8 for Y only images (8 bit mono). The
values and their meanings are as follows.1: The bitmap is monochrome,
and the color table contains two entries. Each bit in the bitmap
array represents a pixel. If the bit is clear, the pixel is displayed
with the color of the first entry in the color table. If the bit is
set, the pixel has the color of the second entry in the table.4: The
bitmap has a maximum of 16 colors. Each pixel in the bitmap is
represented by a four-bit index into the color table. For example,
the first byte in the (uncompressed) bitmap is 0x1F and the byte
represents two pixels. The first pixel contains the color in the
second table entry, and the second pixel contains the color in the
16th color table entry.8: The bitmap has a maximum of 256 colors.
Each pixel in the (uncompressed) bitmap is represented by a
byte-sized index into the color table. For example, if the first byte
in the (uncompressed) bitmap is 0x1F, then the first pixel has the
color of the thirty-second table entry.24: The bitmap has a maximum
of 224 colors. The biClrUsed and biClrImportant fields can optionally
be used (by setting biClrUsed to non-zero) to store an optimized
palette for the image.N (for N > 8): The bitmap has a maximum of 2N
colors. The biClrUsed and biClrImportant fields can optionally be used
(by setting biClrUsed to non-zero) to store an optimized palette for
the image.
biCompression        Specifies the type of compression for a compressed
bitmap. See the technical note entitled "DIB Format Extensions" for a
complete list. Values and their meanings are as 
follows.mmioFOURCC('J','P','E','G'): Still image JPEG
DIB.mmioFOURCC('M','J','P','G'): Motion image JPEG DIB.
biSizeImage        Specifies the size of the compressed image data in bytes.
For JPEG data, this is the length of the data including the EOI
biXPelsPerMeter        0. Specifies the horizontal resolution in pixels per
meter of the target device for the bitmap. An application can use
this value to select from a resource group that best matches the 
characteristics of the current device.
biYPelsPerMeter        0. Specifies the vertical resolution in pixels per
meter of the target device for the bitmap.
biClrUsed        0 to 256. Specifies the number of color values in the
color table actually used by the bitmap. See also the biBitCount
field description.
biClrImportant        0. Specifies the number of color indexes that are
considered important for displaying the bitmap. If this value is 0
and biClrUsed is non-zero, all used colors are important.
Extended BITMAPINFOHEADER fields        
biExtDataOffset        Specifies the offset to the start of the JPEG-specific
data. This field allows for an expanding BITMAPINFOHEADER structure.
JPEG DIB Specific fields        
        These fields start at the offset specified by biExtDataOffset.
JPEGSize        Size of the JPEG DIB specific fields. This field allows
for expanding the JPEG DIB specific fields.
JPEGProcess        Specifies the various format types. In this extension,
only 0 (Baseline DCT sequential) is allowed.
Process Specific fields        
JPEGColorSpaceID        Specifies the color space used for the compressed
JPEG data.JPEG_Y. The Y only component of YCbCr, as described below.
Implies 1 component.JPEG_YCbCr. YCbCr as defined by CCIR 601 (256
levels). The RGB components calculated by linear conversion from YC C
shall not be gamma corrected (gamma = 1.0). Implies 3 components.
This is the only option defined for motion JPEG images.JPEG_RGB. 24
bit RGB. (3 components).
JPEGBitsPerSample        Specifies the number of bits per sample per
component for the defined color space. For this extension, this value
will be 8. The subsequent frame header shall have its sample 
precision parameter set to 8.
JPEGHSubSampling        Specifies the horizontal sampling factors used for
the chrominance components of a YCbCr image. Applicable only to
images with JPEGColorSpaceID == 2 (YCbCr). Specifies the horizontal
sampling factor for the chrominance components (jointly) with respect
to the luminance component. Non-zero values must correlate to the
"Hi" values for both chrominance components in the JPEG frame header
(see ISO 10918). The values and their meanings are as follows.0:
Subsampling is not- applicable (JPEGColorSpaceID != 2).1: For every
luminance sample in the horizontal dimension, the chrominance
components are sampled in a 1:1 ratio.2: For every luminance sample in
the horizontal dimension, the chrominance components are sampled in a
1:2 ratio, with chrominance samples (Cb and Cr separately) sampled at
half the horizontal spatial resolution as for luminance.4: For every
luminance sample in the horizontal dimension, the chrominance
components are sampled in a 1:4 ratio, with chrominance samples (Cb
and Cr separately) sampled at one-fourth the horizontal spatial
resolution as for luminance.
JPEGVSubSampling        Applicable only to images with JPEGColorSpaceID =2
(YCbCr). Specifies the vertical sampling factor for the chrominance
components (jointly) with respect to the luminance component.
Non-zero values must correlate to the "Vi" values for both chrominance
components in the JPEG frame header (see ISO 10918). The values and
their meanings are as follows.0: Subsampling is not- applicable
(JPEGColorSpaceID != 2).1: For every luminance sample in the vertical
dimension, the chrominance components are sampled in a 1:1 ratio.2:
For every luminance sample in the vertical dimension, the chrominance
components are sampled in a 1:2 ratio, with chrominance samples (Cb
and Cr separately) sampled at half the vertical spatial resolution as
for luminance.4: For every luminance sample in the vertical
dimension, the chrominance components are sampled in a 1:4 ratio, with
chrominance samples (Cb and Cr separately) sampled at one-fourth the
vertical spatial resolution as for luminance.
This specification affirms that the member biSize of structure 
type BITMAPINFOHEADER and all JPEG derivative 
redefinitions of BITMAPINFOHEADER shall be identically 
defined. The member biSize shall always contain the count of 
all bytes within the header information.
This specification affirms that the structure format and member 
definition shall be correlated uniquely to the value of the 
member biCompression. Further additions to the structure 
definition shall not break any previous definitions, just as this 
definition's use of the predefined fields (biSize especially) does 
not break the BITMAPINFOHEADER definition. By virtue of this 
provision, any application or system function given a pointer to 
a BITMAPINFOHEADER structure (or derivative thereof) shall 
be capable of determining the appropriate "recast" typedef by 
examination of biCompression alone, with biSize serving only 
as a cross-check. biSize can increase (but it should not 
decrease) from the known definition.
This specification affirms that each redefinition of BITMAPINFOHEADER
for any value of biCompression shall contain the identical initial
members as defined for BITMAPINFOHEADER under Windows 3.1. This shall
apply equally to future redefinition of BITMAPINFOHEADER for those 
biCompression values already incorporated (e.g., BI_RGB, BI_RLE8, and
The offset to the start of the compression specific data is specified
by the biExtDataOffset field. This is the offset from the beginning
of the BITMAPINFOHEADER for JPEG structure.
For JPEG DIB compression structure, the second field is always the
JPEG process used to compress the image. The process-specific fields
may change depending on the process ID in the JPEGProcess field.
Image Data
Image data should not contain any thumbnail or other optional data as
this will greatly increase the size of the image data. If thumbnail,
copyright, creator, etc. information is desired, the appropriate RIFF
chunks should be used to store this data (see the RDIB definition in
the RIFF references).  The inclusion of optional data (e.g.,
comments, application-specific data, etc.) is strongly discouraged as
this will greatly increase the size of the image data.
Type 1: Still-image JPEG
Complete JPEG interchange format stream from SOI-EOI including all
tables and compressed data IAW ISO 10918 para 3.9.1"Interchange
Format". The size of the data shall be defined by the field
biSizeImage in the BITMAPINFOHEADER for JPEG structure.
Type 2: Motion JPEG
This DIB type contains incomplete JPEG data (abbreviated format per
ISO 10918) and is not intended for stand-alone single image frame
disk files. It may be used within RIFF files and other contexts where
it is appropriate to:
*        Decode an image without supplying the associated JPEG Huffman
tables. This presumes the codec has been properly pre-initialized
prior to image decode.
*        Request encoder output of compressed image data absent embedded
Huffman Tables.
All motion JPEG data will use YCrCb encoding.  In an AVI sequence,
all JPEG frames will be key frames as this ensures that within the
AVI and Video for Windows architecture all frames will be directly
and independently addressable.
For optimal size and speed during playback of an AVI file, the 
Huffman data used by motion JPEG will be fixed and defined by this
document. This will make the individual frames of every motion
sequence smaller and more efficient to play back. Also, because all
sequences of motion images use the same Huffman data and color space,
it is much more likely that motion data can be directly exchanged
without re-compression. A definition of the Huffman data will be 
provided in MMREG.H (which is listed at the end of this document) as
a byte string which can be concatenated onto the start of a motion
JPEG image to form a valid still JPEG image.
MJPGDHTSeg = { X'FF', DHT, length, JPEG Huffman table parameters }
Q-table data is present and may vary in every frame of a motion
sequence to permit control over the bandwidth of sequences that
contain bursts of frames of varying levels of complexity. The restart
interval used during the compression process may also vary for every
Only the interleaved form of YCrCb images is supported for motion
JPEG data. This implies that only one SOS segment will be present in
any particular motion JPEG image.  Following the Tables segment is
the compressed image data. The data is in JPEG stream syntax and
includes the SOI, DRI, DQT, SOF0, SOS, and EOI markers. For
JPEG_YCbCr, JPEG_RGB, and JPEG_Y color space IDs, these markers are 
shown in the typical order with typical values.
As with all DIB files and functions that take "packed" DIBs, 
regardless of compression, the offset to the image data can be 
calculated as follows:
ImageOffset = biSize + biColorUsed*sizeof (RGBQUAD)
Sample table segment for baseline process:
  X'FF', DHT, length, Huffman table parameters (only in still JPEG)
  X'FF', DRI, length, restart interval
  X'FF', DOT,
       length                Lq = 67 for JPEG_Y or
                                  132 for JPEG_RGB or JPEG_YCbCr
       Precision, Table ID,  Pq = 0, Tq = 0
       DQT data [64]
       [If 3 Components
          Precision, Table ID,    Pq = 0, Tq = 1
          DQT data [64]
  X'FF', SOF0, length,
       Sample Precision      P = 8
       Number of lines       Y = biHeight
       Sample per line       X = biWidth
       Number of components  Nc = 1 or 3 (must match information from
                                          YCbCr     RGB
       1st Component parameters   C1=     1 =Y      4 =R
       2nd Component parameters   C2=     2 =Cb     5 =G
       3rd Component parameters   C3=     3 =Cr     6 =B
  X'FF', SOS, length,
       Number of components  Ns = 1 or 3 (must match information from
                                          YCbCr     RGB
       1st Component parameters   C1=     1 =Y      4 =R
       2nd Component parameters   C2=     2 =Cb     5 =G
       3rd Component parameters   C3=     3 =Cr     6 =B
Note that the order in which the internal JPEG data segments 
shown above can actually occur is not restricted by this 
definition; see ISO 10918 for any ordering restrictions that are 
JPEG DIB File Format
Support for JPEG under Windows is fast becoming a 
requirement due to the increased number of 16-bit and 24-bit 
adapters on the market. The introduction of JPEG as a 
Windows support file format will allow users to dramatically 
decrease the storage requirement for their 16- and 24-bit 
Every DIB (including JPEG DIB) file has the following format:
1.        DIB file header
2.        Bitmap information header
3.        Optional color table
4.        Image data
The DIB file header is defined in the DIB documentation. The 
JPEG DIB bitmap information header is defined in this 
document. The (optional) color table must be RGBQUADs and 
is defined in the DIB documentation. The JPEG DIB image 
data is defined in this document.
JPEG AVI File Format
JPEG AVI files use the AVI RIFF form as described in the 
Microsoft Multimedia technical note "AVI Files." The JPEG AVI 
file format has the same mandatory LIST chunks as any other 
AVI files. The following example shows the JPEG AVI RIFF 
form expanded with the chunks needed to complete the LIST 
"hdr1" and LIST "movi" chunks:
As defined in the AVI file format, key frames have the key 
frame bit set in the index flags. Since all JPEG frames are key 
frames, this flag will always be set for all the frames in a 
motion JPEG AVI file.
       LIST    ('hdr1'
               'avih'   (<Main AVI header>0
               LIST     ('str1'
                        'strh' (<Stream header>)
                        'strf (<Stream format>)
                        'strd (<additional header data>)
               LIST     ('movi'
                                  '##dc' <DIB compressed>
                                  Byte abJPEGdata[ ]; <JPEG image data>
                               LIST ('rec'
                                     '##dc' <DIB compressed>
                                     Byte abJPEGdata [ ]; <JPEG image data>
               ['idx' <AVI Index>]
The strh chunk contains the stream header chunk that 
describes the type of data the stream contains.
The strf chunk describes the format of the data in the stream. 
For the JPEG AVI case, the information in this chunk is a 
The strd chunk contains the FOURCC ID and associated state 
structure containing any specific state data for initializing the 
identified codec.
All frames in the AVI file are key-frames and have a form 
similar to that defined for JPEG "abbreviated format for 
compressed image data" as specified in ISO 10918 para. B.4.
The LIST "movi" Chunk
Following the header information is a LIST "movi" chunk that 
contains chunks of the actual data in the streams, that is, the 
pictures and sounds themselves. The data chunks can reside 
directly in the LIST "movi" chunk or they might be grouped into 
"rec" chunks, as described in the AVI file format technical 
note. As in any RIFF chunk, a four-character code is used to 
identify the chunk.
As in the JPEG DIB format, the JPEG stream syntax is used 
for the image data with the following constraints. The JPEG 
marker codes SOI, DRI, DQT, SOF0, SOS, and EOI are 
expected (mandatory) in the image data chunk, and the 
constrained values shown in the example below are mandatory 
for the image data within the AVI stream.
Any parameters in the SOF0 (frame) and SOS (start of scan) 
headers that are duplicated in the BITMAPINFOHEADER for 
JPEG must be the same. This would include Sample 
Precision, subsampling, and number of components (as 
implied by JPEGColorSpaceID). The number of lines and 
samples per lines in the SOF0 segment and the width and 
height defined in the format chunk must match the main AVI 
header width and height values. All of these values are 
expected to remain the same for every image data chunk in the 
AVI sequence.
Within the image data chunk, two JPEG segments beginning 
with the SOI marker and ending with the EOI marker are 
allowed to accommodate field interleaved streams. There is an 
APP0 marker immediately following the SOI marker that 
contains information about the video image. Specifically, this 
allows the identification of the ODD and EVEN fields of an 
image for images stored in field interleaved fashion. This APP0 
marker is expected to have the first 4 bytes following the length 
bytes set to the characters 'A', 'V', 'I', '1'. The next byte 
indicates which field the JPEG data was compressed from and 
has an expected value of one for the first JPEG data segment 
and two for the second segment, indicating the ODD and 
EVEN fields respectively. If the stream is not field interleaved, 
this value will be 0 and there will only be one JPEG segment. 
The remaining seven bytes are expected to be set to 0 and will 
be ignored by the codec.
If a codec cannot handle the interleaved fields, the codec will 
use only the first (ODD) field and will replicate the lines as 
necessary to provide an image that conforms to the image size 
defined in the main AVI header. Conversely, if a capture 
system only accesses a single field of each source frame, only 
a single (ODD) field image may be present in a JPEG stream. 
This implies that the single (ODD) field data should be used as 
the source of both fields by a decompressor that wishes to 
process full interlaced data.
It is an advantage to keep the interlace structure of all the 
frames in a particular motion JPEG AVI file consistent. To this 
end, the following convention can be followed concerning the 
relationship of interlace structure to the biHeight parameter of 
each motion JPEG image, and hence the entire AVI sequence.
biHeight        Interlace structure suggested
<= 240        Single JPEG data block describing entire frame.
> 240        A pair of half-height JPEG data blocks describing ODD
and EVEN fields of the frame (EVEN field data is optional if these
blocks would be identical).
Note that interlace structure and individual fields of data should be
treated as an internal feature of the image data representation. The
entire frame remains an indivisible unit on which editors etc. should
operate.  The following is an example of what the image data chunk 
would look like for a non-interleaved stream.
   X'FF', APP0' 14, "AVI1", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
   X'FF', DRI, length, restart interval
          length               Lq = 67 for JPEG_Y or
                                    132 for JPEG_YCbCr or JPEG_RGB
          Precision, Table ID, Pq = 0, Tq = 0
          DQT data [64]
          [If 3 components
              Precision, Table ID,  Pq = 0, Tq = 1
              DQT data [64]
   X'FF', SOF0, length,
          Sample Precision     P = 8
          Number of lines      Y = biHeight
          Sample per line      X = biWidth
          Number of components Nc = 1 or 3
                                             YCbCr    RGB
          1st Component parameters     C1=   1 =Y     4 =R
          2nd Component parameters     C2=   2 =Cb    5 =G
          3rd Component parameters     C3=   3 =Cr    6 =B
   X'FF', SOS, length,
          Number of components     Ns = 1 or 3
                                             YCbCr    RGB
          1st Component parameters     C1=   1 =Y     4 =R
          2nd Component parameters     C2=   2 =Cb    5 =G
          3rd Component parameters     C3=   3 =Cr    6 =B
   X'FF', EOI
Note that the order in which the internal JPEG data segments (other
than APP0) shown above can actually occur is not restricted by this
definition; see ISO 10918 for any ordering restrictions that are
To identify motion JPEG frames in an AVI "movi'" segment, the stream
ID plus the two-character code for a compressed DIB is used and would
have the following format:
   DIB Bits '##dc'
      BYTE abJPEGImageData [ ];
JPEG DIB Definitions
The following have been added to MMREG.H:
#define JPEG_DIB     mmioFOURCC('J','P','E','G');
                     /* Still image JPEG DIB biCompression */
#define MJPG_DIB     mmioFOURCC('M','J','P','G'); 
                     /* Motion JPEG DIB biCompression     */
    /* JPEGProcess Definitions */
#define JPEG_PROCESS_BASELINE    0    /* Baseline DCT */
    /* JIF Marker byte pairs in JPEG Interchange Format sequence */
#define JIFMK_SOF0    0xFFC0   /* SOF Huff  - Baseline DCT*/
#define JIFMK_SOF1    0xFFC1   /* SOF Huff  - Extended sequential DCT*/
#define JIFMK_SOF2    0xFFC2   /* SOF Huff  - Progressive DCT*/
#define JIFMK_SOF3    0xFFC3   /* SOF Huff  - Spatial (sequential) lossless*/
#define JIFMK_SOF5    0xFFC5   /* SOF Huff  - Differential sequential DCT*/
#define JIFMK_SOF6    0xFFC6   /* SOF Huff  - Differential progressive DCT*/
#define JIFMK_SOF7    0xFFC7   /* SOF Huff  - Differential spatial*/
#define JIFMK_JPG     0xFFC8   /* SOF Arith - Reserved for JPEG extensions*/
#define JIFMK_SOF9    0xFFC9   /* SOF Arith - Extended sequential DCT*/
#define JIFMK_SOF10   0xFFCA   /* SOF Arith - Progressive DCT*/
#define JIFMK_SOF11   0xFFCB   /* SOF Arith - Spatial (sequential) lossless*/
#define JIFMK_SOF13   0xFFCD   /* SOF Arith - Differential sequential DCT*/
#define JIFMK_SOF14   0xFFCE   /* SOF Arith - Differential progressive DCT*/
#define JIFMK_SOF15   0xFFCF   /* SOF Arith - Differential spatial*/
#define JIFMK_DHT     0xFFC4   /* Define Huffman Table(s) */
#define JIFMK_DAC     0xFFCC   /* Define Arithmetic coding conditioning(s) */
#define JIFMK_RST0    0xFFD0   /* Restart with modulo 8 count 0 */
#define JIFMK_RST1    0xFFD1   /* Restart with modulo 8 count 1 */
#define JIFMK_RST2    0xFFD2   /* Restart with modulo 8 count 2 */
#define JIFMK_RST3    0xFFD3   /* Restart with modulo 8 count 3 */
#define JIFMK_RST4    0xFFD4   /* Restart with modulo 8 count 4 */
#define JIFMK_RST5    0xFFD5   /* Restart with modulo 8 count 5 */
#define JIFMK_RST6    0xFFD6   /* Restart with modulo 8 count 6 */
#define JIFMK_RST7    0xFFD7   /* Restart with modulo 8 count 7 */
#define JIFMK_SOI     0xFFD8   /* Start of Image */
#define JIFMK_EOI     0xFFD9   /* End of Image */
#define JIFMK_SOS     0xFFDA   /* Start of Scan */
#define JIFMK_DQT     0xFFDB   /* Define quantization Table(s) */
#define JIFMK_DNL     0xFFDC   /* Define Number of Lines */
#define JIFMK_DRI     0xFFDD   /* Define Restart Interval */
#define JIFMK_DHP     0xFFDE   /* Define Hierarchical progression */
#define JIFMK_EXP     0xFFDF   /* Expand Reference Component(s) */
#define JIFMK_APP0    0xFFE0   /* Application Field 0*/
#define JIFMK_APP1    0xFFE1   /* Application Field 1*/
#define JIFMK_APP2    0xFFE2   /* Application Field 2*/
#define JIFMK_APP3    0xFFE3   /* Application Field 3*/
#define JIFMK_APP4    0xFFE4   /* Application Field 4*/
#define JIFMK_APP5    0xFFE5   /* Application Field 5*/
#define JIFMK_APP6    0xFFE6   /* Application Field 6*/
#define JIFMK_APP7    0xFFE7   /* Application Field 7*/
#define JIFMK_JPG0    0xFFF0   /* Reserved for JPEG extensions */
#define JIFMK_JPG1    0xFFF1   /* Reserved for JPEG extensions */
#define JIFMK_JPG2    0xFFF2   /* Reserved for JPEG extensions */
#define JIFMK_JPG3    0xFFF3   /* Reserved for JPEG extensions */
#define JIFMK_JPG4    0xFFF4   /* Reserved for JPEG extensions */
#define JIFMK_JPG5    0xFFF5   /* Reserved for JPEG extensions */
#define JIFMK_JPG6    0xFFF6   /* Reserved for JPEG extensions */
#define JIFMK_JPG7    0xFFF7   /* Reserved for JPEG extensions */
#define JIFMK_JPG8    0xFFF8   /* Reserved for JPEG extensions */
#define JIFMK_JPG9    0xFFF9   /* Reserved for JPEG extensions */
#define JIFMK_JPG10   0xFFFA   /* Reserved for JPEG extensions */
#define JIFMK_JPG11   0xFFFB   /* Reserved for JPEG extensions */
#define JIFMK_JPG12   0xFFFC   /* Reserved for JPEG extensions */
#define JIFMK_JPG13   0xFFFD   /* Reserved for JPEG extensions */
#define JIFMK_COM     0xFFFE   /* Comment */
#define JIFMK_TEM     0xFF01   /* for temp private use arith code */
#define JIFMK_RES     0xFF02   /* Reserved */
#define JIFMK_00      0xFF00   /* Zero stuffed byte - entropy data */
#define JIFMK_FF      0xFFFF   /* Fill byte */
/* JPEGColorSpaceID Definitions */
#define JPEG_Y        1        /* Y only component of YCbCr */
#define JPEG_YCbCr    2        /* YCbCr as define by CCIR 601 */
#define JPEG_RGB      3        /* 3 component RGB */
/* Structure definitions */
typedef struct tagEXBMINFOHEADER {
        BITMAPINFOHEADER      bmi;
        /* extended BITMAPINFOHEADER fields */
        DWORD   biExtDataOffset;
        /* Other stuff will go here */
        /* Format-specific information */
        /* biExtDataOffset points here */
typedef struct tagJPEGINFOHEADER {
        /* compression-specific fields */
        /* these fields are defined for 'JPEG' and 'MJPG' */
        DWORD   JPEGSize;
        DWORD   JPEGProcess;
        /* Process specific fields */
        DWORD   JPEGColorSpaceID;
        DWORD   JPEGBitsPerSample;
        DWORD   JPEGHSubSampling;
        DWORD   JPEGVSubSampling;
/* Default DHT Segment */
 /* JPEG DHT Segment for YCrCb omitted from MJPG data */