Remove Frame

GEM raster description excerpted from:

                           ST Picture Formats
                               Edited by:

                              David Baggett

                             [email protected]

                   (Please report errors or additions.)

            Copyright (C) 1988 -- 1995  by David M. Baggett

    Non-profit redistribution of this document is permitted, provided
    the document is not modified in any way.

    Reproduction of this document in whole or in part for  commercial
    purposes is expressly forbidden without the prior written consent
    of David M. Baggett.

    The  information  presented here is not guaranteed to be correct.
    The editor and contributors will in no event be liable for direct,
    indirect, incidental, or consequential damages resulting from the 
    use of the information in this document.

    This document is the product of many hours of volunteer work by a
    large number of people. Please respect this -- do not violate the
    distribution policy.

      Steve Belczyk  Phil Blanchfield  Marcel Boom  Jason Blochowiak
        John Brochu**  David Brooks  Daniel Deimert  Martyn Dryden
      Neil Forsyth  Stefan Hoehn  Gerfried Klein  G. "Maddog" Knauss
           Ken MacLeod  Shamus McBride  Jim McCabe  Lars Michael
           Darek Mihocka  David Mumper  George Nassas  Jim Omura
             Chris Ridd  George Seto   Joe Smith  Greg Wageman
                       Roland Waldi*  Gerry Wheeler


                        Introductory Information
word    = 2 bytes
long    = 4 bytes
palette = Hardware color palette, stored as 16 words.  First word is
          color register zero (background), last word is color register
          15.  Each word has the form:

          Bit:  (MSB) 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 (LSB)
                      -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
                       0  0  0  0  0 R2 R1 R0  0 G2 G1 G0  0 B2 B1 B0

          R2 = MSB of red intensity
          R0 = LSB of red intensity

          G2 = MSB of green intensity
          G0 = LSB of green intensity

          B2 = MSB of blue intensity
          B0 = LSB of blue intensity

          Intensity ranges from 0 (color not present) to 7 (highest

          Example: { red = 7, green = 3, blue = 5 } -> 0735 (hex)

          Caveat:  It is wise to mask off the upper four bits of each
                   palette entry, since a few programs store special
                   information there (e.g., Art Studio).

<GEM Bit Image> *.IMG
1 word          version number of image file [1]
1 word          length of header in words [usually 8]
1 word          number of color planes [1 for monochrome]
1 word          pattern length in bytes [1-8, usually 2 for screen images]
1 word          pixel width in microns (1/1000 mm, 25400 microns per inch)
1 word          pixel height in microns
1 word          line width in pixels
1 word          number of lines
? words         header length defined in 2nd word of header
? bytes         data
NOTES: If the image is a color image (planes > 1), the planes are stored
separately starting with plane 0 -- see the extended .IMG format
description below for details.  There is, however, no standard way of
storing the color palette.  Some programs may save the palette in separate
files, some may extend the header.  For this reason, you should never
assume the header is 8 words long, always get the header length from the
2nd word of the header.  Also, the line width in the 7th word is the number
of pixels in a line.  Since the data is encoded in byte-wide packets, the
actual unpacked line width is always a multiple of 8, and may be 1-7 pixels
longer than the length specified in the header.

For each byte x in the data section,
        x = 0           Pattern/scanline run.
                        Read the next byte, n (unsigned).
                        If n > 0 then:
                                Read a number of bytes equal to the "pattern
                                length" word in the header.  Repeat this
                                pattern n times.
                        If n = 0 then:
                                Scanline run.  Data for the next scanline
                                is to be used multiple times.  Read the
                                following record:
                                1 byte          flag byte [$FF]
                                1 byte          number of times to use
                                                next scanline data
                                The data for the next scanline follows,
                                compressed normally.
        x = 80 (hex)    Uncompressed bit string.  The next byte
                        determines the number of bytes to use
                        literally.  The literal data bytes follow.
        otherwise       Solid run.  The value of x determines
                        what to draw.  The high bit specifies whether
                        the pixels are set or cleared.  A 1 indicates
                        a byte-run using $FF, a 0 indicates a byte-run
                        using $00.  The low 7 bits, taken as an unsigned
                        quantity, specify the length of the run in bytes.

<GEM Bit Image, Extended>  *.IMG

As mentioned above, there is no completely standard way to store color
images in .IMG files.  However, one approach is fairly common, and has
become known as the "XIMG" format.

Though there are many similarities between this and the previous format,
I've given the two formats separate entries to underscore the fact that
assuming a particular encoding of color images in .IMG files is risky.

1 word          version number of image file
1 word          length of header in words
1 word          number of color planes [2, 4, 8, 16, or 24]
1 word          pattern length in bytes [1-8, usually 2 for screen images]
1 word          pixel width in microns (1/1000 mm, 25400 microns per inch)
1 word          pixel height in microns
1 word          line width in pixels
1 word          number of lines
1 long          ["XIMG" $58494D47]
1 word          color format [0]

If #planes is 2, 4, or 8, then for each color [there are 2^#planes colors] {
3 words         RGB triple for first pen (0...1000, 0...1000, 0...1000)
                [This color specification can be passed directly to the
                standard vs_color function.]

? words         header length defined in 2nd word of header
? bytes         data

If the third word specifies that there are 16 or 24 planes, the image data
is true-color rather than palette-based, and the image is separated into
"pseudo-planes" as follows:

        16-bit data:    5 red planes, 6 green planes, 5 blue planes
        24-bit data:    8 red planes, 8 green planes, 8 blue planes

Note that the pseudo-planes appear *in this order* in the image data.

Color image data is compressed as described above (in the standard .IMG
format), and the image data is stored in the following order:
        line 0, plane 0
        line 0, plane 1
        line 0, plane p
        line 1, plane 0

Note that the scanline run compression is a bit more constrained for color
images -- an entire *scanline* gets repeated, not a single *plane* of a
scanline.  In this case, the scanline run header [0, 0, $FF, n] is followed
by the scanline data, in the typical order -- plane 0, plane 1, ... plane p.

NOTE: There is another variant of .IMG that has 'STTT' in place of 'XIMG'.
Chris Ridd says this format is no longer used because it's device
dependent.  In any case, we don't have enough examples to properly document

* Roland Waldi contributed extensive information on the following formats:

        GEM, IMG, Doodle, STAD, Imagic Film/Picture, Art Director, IFF

** John Brochu, ST picture formats guru, provided sage advice and many
   corrections to the following formats:

        NeoChrome, DEGAS Elite Compressed, Spectrum 512 Compressed,
        GEM Bit Image, IFF, MacPaint

Version of...........Sun Oct 30 12:40:13 EST 1994
(Last change: Extended GEM .IMG format updated)