Also known as:
The LHArc/LHA archiver is a multi platform archiver made by Haruyasu Yoshizaki, which has a relatively good compression. It uses more or less the same technology like the ZIP programs by Phil Katz. There was a hack named "ICE", which had only the graphic characters displayed on decompression changed. OFFSET Count TYPE Description 0000h 1 byte Size of archived file header 0001h 1 byte Checksum of remaining bytes 0002h 3 char ID='-lh' ID='-lz' 0005h 1 char Compression methods used (see table 0005) 0006h 1 char ID='-' 0007h 1 dword Compressed size 000Bh 1 dword Uncompressed size 000Fh 1 dword Original file date/time (see table 0009) 0013h 1 word File attribute 0015h 1 byte Filename / path length in bytes ="LEN" 0016h "LEN" char Filename / path 0018h 1 word CRC-16 of original file +"LEN" (Table 0005) LHArc compression types "0" - No compression "1" - LZW, 4K buffer, Huffman for upper 6 bits of position "2" - unknown "3" - unknown "4" - LZW, Arithmetic Encoding "5" - LZW, Arithmetic Encoding "s" - LHa 2.x archive? "\" - LHa 2.x archive? "d" - LHa 2.x archive? EXTENSION:LZH,ICE OCCURENCES:PC PROGRAMS:LHArc.EXE, LHA.EXE
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