Also known as: PS16
The Protracker Studio 16 Modules are yet another digital music format. The Protracker modules can have up to 255 different patterns and a length of up to 255 patterns with 31 instruments. The samples can only have a size of up to 64K, there is a maximum of 16 tracks supported. The header of each MOD file looks like this : OFFSET Count TYPE Description 0000h 5 char Header string ID='PS16',254 0005h 75 char Song name, ending with ^Z so that if typing the file will result in PS16 <SongName> 0050h 1 byte File type : 0 - Module with patterns and samples 1 - Song with patterns but without samples 0051h 1 dword Offset of comment field from start of file. Zero if no commend is stored. 0055h 1 byte Format version byte (0) 0056h 1 byte Number of patterns in the file ="PAT" 0057h 1 dword Total size of all patterns in bytes, stored for quick disk reads. 005Bh 1 byte Songlength, number of sequences. 005Ch 128 byte Sequencing information for file 00CCh 31 rec Sample information 1 byte Sample flags, bitmapped : 0 - synthesized / digital 1 - Waveform / FM (only if bit 0 is set) 2 - 16 bit / 8 bit 1 byte Default volume for the sample (0-64) 1 byte Sample fine tuning (signed nibble) 1 dword Sample length - Protracker does only support samples with a size less than 64K. 1 dword Sample loop start 1 dword Sample loop length 1 word Default playback frequency for C2 Can be used to fine tune a sample. 00CCh+ "PAT" rec The pattern information 31*17 The tracks are stored sequentially after each other, first all rows of track 1, then all rows of track 2 and so on. 1 word Pattern size+3, rounded up to a paragraph boundary. 1 byte Number of rows in pattern ="ROW" "ROW" rec 2 byte Note information, bitmapped : 0-5 - Note (see table 0005) 6 - Bit 4 of instrument 7 - Compression bit If this bit not set, there is another byte following the note record specifying the row where the next event takes place - if it is set, the next note follows immediately. A track is terminated by a 0FFh byte. 8-11 - Effect bits 12-15 - Bits 0-3 of instrument 1 byte Effect data 00CCh+ ? byte Sample data in delta format 31*17+ See algorthm.txt for details. ???? The comment block contains information about the sample names as well as some comments to the module. It is formatted like this : OFFSET Count TYPE Description 0000h 4 char ID='INST' 1 byte Instrument name length ="LEN" 1 byte Sample name count ="CNT" "LEN"*"CNT" char Sample names 0000h+ 4 char ID='TEXT' "LEN"*"CNT"+4 1 word Length of following text EXTENSION:MOD OCCURENCES:PC PROGRAMS:Protracker REFERENCE: SEE ALSO:DMF,MOD,S3M,STM VALIDATION:
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