Strings in ICONLOAD.H

@(#)icon_load.h 10.5 89/09/05 SMI
* Copyright (c) 1984 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
#ifdef notdef
The format of an ASCII representation of an icon file is defined by:
::= <header> <icon_image_bits>
::= <header_start> <header_body> <header_end>
::= /* Format_version=1
::= */
::= <header_options> <header_misc>
<header_options>::= | <header_option> <header_options>
<header_option> ::= Depth=1
| Height=<Number>
| Width=<Number>
| Valid_bits_per_item=<Sixteen_or_ThirtyTwo>
::= <Anything_except_header_option_or_header_end>
::= <icon_image_value>
| <icon_image_bits> , <icon_image_value>
Default values for header parameters are:
A sample icon file follows:
/* Format_version=1, Width=16, Height=16, Depth=1, Valid_bits_per_item=16
* This file is the template for all images in the cursor/icon library.
* The first line contains the information needed to properly interpret the
* actual bits, which are expected to be used directly by software that
* wants to do compile-time binding to an image via a #include.
* The actual bits must be specified in hex.
* The default interpretation of the bits below is specified by the
* behavior of mpr_static.
* Note that Valid_bits_per_item uses the least-significant bits.
* Description: An empty (clear) cursor
* Background: White
0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,
0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000
The utilities available to read icon files are:
icon_load(icon, from_file, error_msg);
register struct icon
*from_file, *error_msg;
Loads the pixrect for the icon, and then copies information from the pixrect
to initialize the icon. Information which cannot be specified in the
current format is set to default values.
See the following description of icon_load_mpr for details about the
arguments other than icon.
Returns 0 iff it managed to successfully initialize the icon.
icon_init_from_pr(icon, pr)
register struct icon
register struct pixrect
Initializes the icon struct from the specified pr.
Information, such as the font for any icon text, which cannot be ascertained
from a pixrect, is set to default values.
The return value is meaningless.
struct pixrect *
icon_load_mpr(from_file, error_msg)
*from_file, *error_msg;
Loads the icon named by from_file into a dynamically allocated memory
If NULL is returned, which happens if the file cannot be accessed or if the
file is not in a valid format, an appropriate error message is placed
in error_msg, which should be at least IL_ERRORMSG_SIZE long.
icon_open_header(from_file, error_msg, info)
*from_file, *error_msg;
register icon_header_handle
icon_open_header() allows a client to preserve extra descriptive material
when rewriting an icon file. It is also the front-end routine used by
icon_load_mpr (and thus icon_load).
If NULL is returned, which happens if the file cannot be accessed or if the
file is not in a valid format, an appropriate error message is placed
in error_msg, which should be at least IL_ERRORMSG_SIZE long.
info is mostly filled in with the information from the header options. The
exception is that info->last_param_pos is filled in with the position
immediately after the last header option that was read.
The returned FILE * is left positioned at the end of the header, thus
ftell(icon_open_header()) indicates where the actual bits of the image
are expected to begin. Hence, the characters in the range
[info->last_param_pos..ftell(icon_open_header())) should contain all extra
descriptive material contained in the icon file's header.
icon_read_pr(fd, header, pr)
register FILE
register icon_header_handle
register struct pixrect
Reads the actual bit pattern for the pixrect's image data from the specified
fd using the parameters in the specified header.
The fd is expected to be positioned to the beginning of the image data
(usually by a prior call to icon_open_header).
The fd is left positioned at the end of the image data, so that by doing an
ftell(fd) before and after calling icon_read_pr, a caller can write out a
modified version of the image data while keeping intact the surrounding
commentary, declarations, etc.
The return value is zero if the icon was read successfully, nonzero if
there was an error.
CAVEAT: currently pr must be a memory pixrect.
typedef struct icon_header_object {
} icon_header_object;
typedef icon_header_object
extern int
extern int
extern struct pixrect
extern int
extern FILE