Also Known As: DBW_uRay, Microray
Type | Scene description |
Colors | NA |
Compression | Uncompressed |
Maximum Image Size | NA |
Multiple Images Per File | NA |
Numerical Format | NA |
Originator | David B. Wecker |
Platform | All |
Supporting Applications | uRay ray tracing application |
See Also | NFF, POV, PRT, QRT, Radiance |
Description of 3D scenes for ray tracing or other rendering applications.
A simple scene description format useful for specifying 3D objects. This is a good format to look at if you are considering building your own ray-trace format or application.
Vendor specifications are available for this format.
Code fragments are available for this format.
uRay is the format created by David B. Wecker for use by the uRay (Microray) ray tracer. It provides a simple way of specifying a small number of 3D objects.
File Organization
File Details
For Further Information
Like those of many other ray-trace formats, uRay files consist of a number of ASCII lines implementing a proprietary command language, in this case the uRay scene description language.
Commands used in writing uRay files may consist of the following:
DEPTH | Recursion depth |
COLS | Columns in an image |
ROWS | Rows in an image |
START | Row number at which to begin rendering operations |
END | Row number at which to end rendering operations |
BPP | Bits per pixel in output image (12 or 24) |
AOV | View angle |
ASPECT | Image aspect ratio |
NEAR | Background color for "sky" near eye |
FAR | Background color for "sky" far from eye |
GROUND | Background color below horizon |
BASE | Blackness of shadows |
where n is the number of lines following the WAVES keyword. Each line consists of the following:
x y z | Wave center |
amp | Starting amplitude of the wave |
phase | Starting phase shift |
length | Wave length |
damp | Damping between successive waves |
where n is the number of lines following the ATTRIBUTES keyword. Each line consists of the following:
r g b |
Diffuse color |
Kd |
Diffuse coloring |
Ks |
Reflection |
Kt |
Transmission |
Ir |
Index of refraction |
Kl |
Self lighting |
dist |
Inverse square law distance |
Kf |
Fuzz |
Wave |
Wave number |
tex |
Texture; may be one of the following: |
0 |
No texture |
l r g b x y z |
Checks in color (r g b) at scale (x y z) |
2 r g b |
Random mottling |
3 r g b a b c |
Blend in x direction |
4 r g b a b c |
Blend in y direction |
5 r g b a b c |
Blend in z direction |
The following objects are predefined:
SPHERE | Sphere |
QUAD | Rectangle |
TRIANGLE | Triangle |
RING | Ring |
See the uRay documentation for detailed information about parameters.
For further information about the uRay format, see the uRay documentation included on the CD-ROM accompanying this book. You can also contact the author:
David B. Wecker
Digital Equipment Corporation
Cambridge Research Lab
One Kendall Square
Cambridge, MA 02139
Voice: 617-621-6699
FAX: 617-621-6650
Email: [email protected]
This page is taken from the Encyclopedia of Graphics File Formats and is licensed by O'Reilly under the Creative Common/Attribution license.