The ZOO archive program by Raoul Dhesi is a file compression program now superceeded in both compression and speed by most other compression programs. The archive header looks like this : OFFSET Count TYPE Description 0000h 20 char Archive header text, ^Z terminated, null padded 0014h 1 dword ID=0FDC4A7DCh 0018h 1 dword Offset of first file in archive 001Ch 1 dword Offset of ???? 0020h 1 byte Version archive was made by 0021h 1 byte Minimum version needed to extract Each stored file has its own header, which looks like this : OFFSET Count TYPE Description 0000h 1 dword ID=0FDC4A7DCh 0004h 1 byte Type of directory entry 0005h 1 byte Compression method : 0 - stored 1 - Crunched : LZW, 4K buffer, var len (9-13 bits) 0006h 1 dword Offset of next directory entry 000Ah 1 dword Offset of next header 000Dh 1 word Original date / time of file (see table 0009) 0012h 1 word CRC-16 of file 0014h 1 dword Uncompressed size of file 0018h 1 dword Compressed size of file 001Ch 1 byte Version this file was compressed by 001Dh 1 byte Minimum version needed to extract 001Eh 1 byte Deleted flag 0 - file in archive 1 - file is considered deleted 001Fh 1 dword Offset of comment field, 0 if none 0023h 1 word Length of comment field 0025h ? char ASCIIZ path / filename EXTENSION:ZOO OCCURENCES:PC PROGRAMS:ZOO.EXE REFERENCE: VALIDATION:
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