Unicode Characters in the Elbasan Block

List with images (slow)

Character Description Browser Font used
U+10500 ELBASAN LETTER A (U+10500) 𐔀 eversonmono
U+10501 ELBASAN LETTER BE (U+10501) 𐔁 eversonmono
U+10502 ELBASAN LETTER CE (U+10502) 𐔂 eversonmono
U+10503 ELBASAN LETTER CHE (U+10503) 𐔃 eversonmono
U+10504 ELBASAN LETTER DE (U+10504) 𐔄 eversonmono
U+10505 ELBASAN LETTER NDE (U+10505) 𐔅 eversonmono
U+10506 ELBASAN LETTER DHE (U+10506) 𐔆 eversonmono
U+10507 ELBASAN LETTER EI (U+10507) 𐔇 eversonmono
U+10508 ELBASAN LETTER E (U+10508) 𐔈 eversonmono
U+10509 ELBASAN LETTER FE (U+10509) 𐔉 eversonmono
U+1050A ELBASAN LETTER GE (U+1050A) 𐔊 eversonmono
U+1050B ELBASAN LETTER GJE (U+1050B) 𐔋 eversonmono
U+1050C ELBASAN LETTER HE (U+1050C) 𐔌 eversonmono
U+1050D ELBASAN LETTER I (U+1050D) 𐔍 eversonmono
U+1050E ELBASAN LETTER JE (U+1050E) 𐔎 eversonmono
U+1050F ELBASAN LETTER KE (U+1050F) 𐔏 eversonmono
U+10510 ELBASAN LETTER LE (U+10510) 𐔐 eversonmono
U+10511 ELBASAN LETTER LLE (U+10511) 𐔑 eversonmono
U+10512 ELBASAN LETTER ME (U+10512) 𐔒 eversonmono
U+10513 ELBASAN LETTER NE (U+10513) 𐔓 eversonmono
U+10514 ELBASAN LETTER NA (U+10514) 𐔔 eversonmono
U+10515 ELBASAN LETTER NJE (U+10515) 𐔕 eversonmono
U+10516 ELBASAN LETTER O (U+10516) 𐔖 eversonmono
U+10517 ELBASAN LETTER PE (U+10517) 𐔗 eversonmono
U+10518 ELBASAN LETTER QE (U+10518) 𐔘 eversonmono
U+10519 ELBASAN LETTER RE (U+10519) 𐔙 eversonmono
U+1051A ELBASAN LETTER RRE (U+1051A) 𐔚 eversonmono
U+1051B ELBASAN LETTER SE (U+1051B) 𐔛 eversonmono
U+1051C ELBASAN LETTER SHE (U+1051C) 𐔜 eversonmono
U+1051D ELBASAN LETTER TE (U+1051D) 𐔝 eversonmono
U+1051E ELBASAN LETTER THE (U+1051E) 𐔞 eversonmono
U+1051F ELBASAN LETTER U (U+1051F) 𐔟 eversonmono
U+10520 ELBASAN LETTER VE (U+10520) 𐔠 eversonmono
U+10521 ELBASAN LETTER XE (U+10521) 𐔡 eversonmono
U+10522 ELBASAN LETTER Y (U+10522) 𐔢 eversonmono
U+10523 ELBASAN LETTER ZE (U+10523) 𐔣 eversonmono
U+10524 ELBASAN LETTER ZHE (U+10524) 𐔤 eversonmono
U+10525 ELBASAN LETTER GHE (U+10525) 𐔥 eversonmono
U+10526 ELBASAN LETTER GHAMMA (U+10526) 𐔦 eversonmono
U+10527 ELBASAN LETTER KHE (U+10527) 𐔧 eversonmono