Unicode Characters in the Hangul Compatibility Jamo Block

List with images (slow)

Character Description Browser Font used
U+3131 HANGUL LETTER KIYEOK (U+3131) arial_unicode_ms
U+3132 HANGUL LETTER SSANGKIYEOK (U+3132) arial_unicode_ms
U+3133 HANGUL LETTER KIYEOK-SIOS (U+3133) arial_unicode_ms
U+3134 HANGUL LETTER NIEUN (U+3134) arial_unicode_ms
U+3135 HANGUL LETTER NIEUN-CIEUC (U+3135) arial_unicode_ms
U+3136 HANGUL LETTER NIEUN-HIEUH (U+3136) arial_unicode_ms
U+3137 HANGUL LETTER TIKEUT (U+3137) arial_unicode_ms
U+3138 HANGUL LETTER SSANGTIKEUT (U+3138) arial_unicode_ms
U+3139 HANGUL LETTER RIEUL (U+3139) arial_unicode_ms
U+313A HANGUL LETTER RIEUL-KIYEOK (U+313A) arial_unicode_ms
U+313B HANGUL LETTER RIEUL-MIEUM (U+313B) arial_unicode_ms
U+313C HANGUL LETTER RIEUL-PIEUP (U+313C) arial_unicode_ms
U+313D HANGUL LETTER RIEUL-SIOS (U+313D) arial_unicode_ms
U+313E HANGUL LETTER RIEUL-THIEUTH (U+313E) arial_unicode_ms
U+313F HANGUL LETTER RIEUL-PHIEUPH (U+313F) arial_unicode_ms
U+3140 HANGUL LETTER RIEUL-HIEUH (U+3140) arial_unicode_ms
U+3141 HANGUL LETTER MIEUM (U+3141) arial_unicode_ms
U+3142 HANGUL LETTER PIEUP (U+3142) arial_unicode_ms
U+3143 HANGUL LETTER SSANGPIEUP (U+3143) arial_unicode_ms
U+3144 HANGUL LETTER PIEUP-SIOS (U+3144) arial_unicode_ms
U+3145 HANGUL LETTER SIOS (U+3145) arial_unicode_ms
U+3146 HANGUL LETTER SSANGSIOS (U+3146) arial_unicode_ms
U+3147 HANGUL LETTER IEUNG (U+3147) arial_unicode_ms
U+3148 HANGUL LETTER CIEUC (U+3148) arial_unicode_ms
U+3149 HANGUL LETTER SSANGCIEUC (U+3149) arial_unicode_ms
U+314A HANGUL LETTER CHIEUCH (U+314A) arial_unicode_ms
U+314B HANGUL LETTER KHIEUKH (U+314B) arial_unicode_ms
U+314C HANGUL LETTER THIEUTH (U+314C) arial_unicode_ms
U+314D HANGUL LETTER PHIEUPH (U+314D) arial_unicode_ms
U+314E HANGUL LETTER HIEUH (U+314E) arial_unicode_ms
U+314F HANGUL LETTER A (U+314F) arial_unicode_ms
U+3150 HANGUL LETTER AE (U+3150) arial_unicode_ms
U+3151 HANGUL LETTER YA (U+3151) arial_unicode_ms
U+3152 HANGUL LETTER YAE (U+3152) arial_unicode_ms
U+3153 HANGUL LETTER EO (U+3153) arial_unicode_ms
U+3154 HANGUL LETTER E (U+3154) arial_unicode_ms
U+3155 HANGUL LETTER YEO (U+3155) arial_unicode_ms
U+3156 HANGUL LETTER YE (U+3156) arial_unicode_ms
U+3157 HANGUL LETTER O (U+3157) arial_unicode_ms
U+3158 HANGUL LETTER WA (U+3158) arial_unicode_ms
U+3159 HANGUL LETTER WAE (U+3159) arial_unicode_ms
U+315A HANGUL LETTER OE (U+315A) arial_unicode_ms
U+315B HANGUL LETTER YO (U+315B) arial_unicode_ms
U+315C HANGUL LETTER U (U+315C) arial_unicode_ms
U+315D HANGUL LETTER WEO (U+315D) arial_unicode_ms
U+315E HANGUL LETTER WE (U+315E) arial_unicode_ms
U+315F HANGUL LETTER WI (U+315F) arial_unicode_ms
U+3160 HANGUL LETTER YU (U+3160) arial_unicode_ms
U+3161 HANGUL LETTER EU (U+3161) arial_unicode_ms
U+3162 HANGUL LETTER YI (U+3162) arial_unicode_ms
U+3163 HANGUL LETTER I (U+3163) arial_unicode_ms
U+3164 HANGUL FILLER (U+3164) arial_unicode_ms
U+3165 HANGUL LETTER SSANGNIEUN (U+3165) arial_unicode_ms
U+3166 HANGUL LETTER NIEUN-TIKEUT (U+3166) arial_unicode_ms
U+3167 HANGUL LETTER NIEUN-SIOS (U+3167) arial_unicode_ms
U+3168 HANGUL LETTER NIEUN-PANSIOS (U+3168) arial_unicode_ms
U+3169 HANGUL LETTER RIEUL-KIYEOK-SIOS (U+3169) arial_unicode_ms
U+316A HANGUL LETTER RIEUL-TIKEUT (U+316A) arial_unicode_ms
U+316B HANGUL LETTER RIEUL-PIEUP-SIOS (U+316B) arial_unicode_ms
U+316C HANGUL LETTER RIEUL-PANSIOS (U+316C) arial_unicode_ms
U+316D HANGUL LETTER RIEUL-YEORINHIEUH (U+316D) arial_unicode_ms
U+316E HANGUL LETTER MIEUM-PIEUP (U+316E) arial_unicode_ms
U+316F HANGUL LETTER MIEUM-SIOS (U+316F) arial_unicode_ms
U+3170 HANGUL LETTER MIEUM-PANSIOS (U+3170) arial_unicode_ms
U+3171 HANGUL LETTER KAPYEOUNMIEUM (U+3171) arial_unicode_ms
U+3172 HANGUL LETTER PIEUP-KIYEOK (U+3172) arial_unicode_ms
U+3173 HANGUL LETTER PIEUP-TIKEUT (U+3173) arial_unicode_ms
U+3174 HANGUL LETTER PIEUP-SIOS-KIYEOK (U+3174) arial_unicode_ms
U+3175 HANGUL LETTER PIEUP-SIOS-TIKEUT (U+3175) arial_unicode_ms
U+3176 HANGUL LETTER PIEUP-CIEUC (U+3176) arial_unicode_ms
U+3177 HANGUL LETTER PIEUP-THIEUTH (U+3177) arial_unicode_ms
U+3178 HANGUL LETTER KAPYEOUNPIEUP (U+3178) arial_unicode_ms
U+3179 HANGUL LETTER KAPYEOUNSSANGPIEUP (U+3179) arial_unicode_ms
U+317A HANGUL LETTER SIOS-KIYEOK (U+317A) arial_unicode_ms
U+317B HANGUL LETTER SIOS-NIEUN (U+317B) arial_unicode_ms
U+317C HANGUL LETTER SIOS-TIKEUT (U+317C) arial_unicode_ms
U+317D HANGUL LETTER SIOS-PIEUP (U+317D) arial_unicode_ms
U+317E HANGUL LETTER SIOS-CIEUC (U+317E) arial_unicode_ms
U+317F HANGUL LETTER PANSIOS (U+317F) arial_unicode_ms
U+3180 HANGUL LETTER SSANGIEUNG (U+3180) arial_unicode_ms
U+3181 HANGUL LETTER YESIEUNG (U+3181) arial_unicode_ms
U+3182 HANGUL LETTER YESIEUNG-SIOS (U+3182) arial_unicode_ms
U+3183 HANGUL LETTER YESIEUNG-PANSIOS (U+3183) arial_unicode_ms
U+3184 HANGUL LETTER KAPYEOUNPHIEUPH (U+3184) arial_unicode_ms
U+3185 HANGUL LETTER SSANGHIEUH (U+3185) arial_unicode_ms
U+3186 HANGUL LETTER YEORINHIEUH (U+3186) arial_unicode_ms
U+3187 HANGUL LETTER YO-YA (U+3187) arial_unicode_ms
U+3188 HANGUL LETTER YO-YAE (U+3188) arial_unicode_ms
U+3189 HANGUL LETTER YO-I (U+3189) arial_unicode_ms
U+318A HANGUL LETTER YU-YEO (U+318A) arial_unicode_ms
U+318B HANGUL LETTER YU-YE (U+318B) arial_unicode_ms
U+318C HANGUL LETTER YU-I (U+318C) arial_unicode_ms
U+318D HANGUL LETTER ARAEA (U+318D) arial_unicode_ms
U+318E HANGUL LETTER ARAEAE (U+318E) arial_unicode_ms