Standard Image Sizes


This is a list of standard images size in use around the web.


Social Media Profiles

Site Size Detail
Github profile 500x500 source

Common Aspect Ratios

Aspect Ratio Decimal Description
1:1 1.0 Square
5:4 1.25
4:3 1.333
8:5 1.6
16:9 1.777

Internet Images

Dimensions (width x height) Aspect Ratio Description
80w x 15h Tiny Badge: 80x15 example See Adam Kalsey's ButtonMaker to make one online.
88w x 31h Small badge: 88x31 example

Larger badges: varies, Mozilla uses 110w x 32h, others vary from 100 to 160 wide and 32 to 43 high (32 and 40 being the most common).


Dimensions (width x height) Description
57 x 57 iPhone/iPod Touch

Internet Ads

(width x height)
Amazon Google
IAB Yahoo
Content Network
Performics Commision
728 x 90 OR ITV* Y Y Y -
468 x 60 OR IRT Y Y Y Y
320 x 50 - IT* - - - -
300 x 100 - - - - - -
300 x 50 - - - - - -
234 x 60 - IT Y Y Y Y
300 x 600 - - Y - - -
160 x 600 OR ITV* Y Y - Y
120 x 600 OR ITV Y Y - Y
240 x 400 - - Y - - Y
120 x 240 OR IRT Y Y Y Y
Roughly Square
336 x 280 - ITV* Y Y - -
300 x 250 OR ITV* Y Y - Y
250 x 250 - ITV Y Y - Y
200 x 200 - ITV - - - -
180 x 150 OR IT Y Y - Y
125 x 125 - IRT Y - Y Y
120 x 90 - - Y - Y Y
120 x 60 - R Y - Y Y
88 x 31 - - Y - Y Y
Other sizes 600 x 520 O
120 x 450 R
468 x 336 R
468 x 240 R
120 x 150 R
110 x 32 R
180 x 60 R
- - 100 x 30
392 x 72
150 x 50

Amazon: O = Omakase, R = Recommends
Google: I = Image, R = Referral, T = Text, V = Video, * = recommended

PDA and Phone Screens

Dimensions (width x height) DPI Description
160 x 160 Palm (original)
176 x 208 Nokia Series 60 (original)
240 x 320 Nokia Series 60 (series 2)
320 x 240 Nokia Series 60 (series 3, landscape mode)
320 x 320 Palm (Tungsten and Zire)
352 x 416 Nokia Series 60 (series 2, feature pack 3)
416 x 352 Nokia Series 60 (series 3, landscape mode)
320 x 480 iPhone/iPod Touch - Portrait
480 x 320 iPhone/iPod Touch - Landscape
320 x 416 iPhone/iPod Touch - Safari content area - Portrait
480 x 268 iPhone/iPod Touch - Safari content area - Landscape
320x480 Android (HVGA)
960 x 640 326 Apple iPhone 4/4S
1136 x 640 iPhone 5

Tablet Screens

Dimensions (width x height) DPI Description
1024 x 600 169 Amazon Kindle
1024 x 768 132 Apple iPad, iPad 2
2048 x 1536 264 Apple iPad ("new" 2012)

Computer Screens

Dimensions (width x height) Aspect Ratio Description
320 x 200 1.6 CGA (color)
640 x 200 3.2 CGA (monochrome)
640 x 350 1.83 EGA
640 x 480 1.333 VGA
720 x 348 2.07 Hercules
1024 x 768 1.333 XGA
1280 x 1024 1.25
1366 x 768 1.78 widescreen
1600 x 1200 1.333
1680 x 1050 1.6 widescreen
1920 x 1200 1.6 widescreen

See Display Resolution on Wikipedia

Television Screens

Dimensions (width x height) Aspect Ratio Description
576 x 486 1.18 NTSC
720 x 486 1.48 PAL


Dimensions (width x height) Aspect Ratio Description
143 x 59 2.42 GMail custom logo
150 x 112 ImageShack thumbnail
100 x 75 ImageShack avatar
75 x 75 1 Flickr square
75 x 100 0.75 Flickr thumbnail
180 x 240 0.75 Flickr small
375 x 500 0.75 Flickr medium
768 x 1024 0.75 Flickr large


From Macromedia's Flash Authoring Guidelines (width x height):
Wide skyscraper     160 x 600
Skyscraper          120 x 600
Half-page ad        300 x 600
Full banner         468 x 60
Half banner         234 x 60
Micro bar           88 x 31
Button 1            120 x 90
Button 2            120 x 60
Vertical banner     120 x 240
Square button       125 x 125
Leaderboard         728 x 90
Medium rectangle    300 x 250
Square pop-up       250 x 250
Vertical rectangle  240 x 400
Large rectangle     336 x 280
Rectangle           180 x 150

	Recommended products:
					120 x 150
					120 x 240
					180 x 150
					120 x 450
					120 x 600
					300 x 250
					468 x 60
					160 x 600
					468 x 240
					468 x 336
	Specific product
					120 x 150 (text only)
					120 x 240

	Search box:
					120 x  90

	Banner links:
					468 x  40
					120 x 240
					180 x 150
					120 x 600
					468 x  60

	300 x 250
	250 x 250
	240 x 400
	336 x 280
	180 x 150
	468 x 60
	234 x 60
	88 x 31
	120 x 90
	120 x 60
	120 x 240
	125 x 125
	728 x 90
	160 x 600
	120 x 600
	300 x 600
