File Extensions beginning with the letter 'M'

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Extension click to sort by Extension Description currently sorted on Description Format MIME Type
mst []
mxt []
mdt []
mb []
mdx []
msb []
mde []
msg CompuServe email message []
msg email messages []
mac macro []
mak makefile []
mnu menu []
mdb Microsoft Access database []
mdw Microsoft Access security database []
mda Microsoft Access security database []
manifest Microsoft Clickonce applicaton manifest [ms-clickonce] application/x-ms-manifest
mvb Microsoft Media Viewer Book []
mid MIDI file (music) []
midi MIDI file (music) []
mid MIDI Sound File []
mod Modulated Sound File []
mp3 Motion Picture Experts Group []
mdb MS Access Database File []
moz Netscape temp save []
map program symbol map []
mov QuickTime movie []
mov Quick-Time Movie []