Name | Title | Last Modified | Size | Info | ||
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Date Added | Extension | Description | MIME Type |
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Title | Description | |
Graphics File Formats: Reference and Guide | ||
Graphics Files Formats, 2nd Edition |
Type | File name | Description | Size |
Specification | AAREADME.TXT | general overview information about the FITS format | 10,487 |
Sample File | C2063005.IMG | 672,980 | |
Sample File | C2065022.IMG | 671,744 | |
Specification | FITS_BAS.TXT | information that is updated by NASA on a monthly basis and posted to USENET | 30,518 |
Specification | FITS_SRC.TXT | lists where sources of FITS information, including a FAQ, can be found. This material is updated periodically by the FITS Support Office at NASA GSFC. | 6,865 |
Specification | FORMAT.TXT | the FITS format | 138,448 |
Sample File | MARBLES.FIT | 1,425,600 | |
Sample File | SPLIT.FIT | 538,560 | |
Sample File | SWP05569.FIT | 388,800 | |
Sample File | SWP05569.LST | 16,491 | |
Specification | XTENSION.TXT | extensions to the basic FITS format | 2,758 |
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