Combining Half Marks
Font Support for Unicode Block 'Combining Half Marks'
This is a list of fonts that support characters in the
Combining Half Marks Unicode block
Arimo Bold
100% (16 of 16)
Arimo Bold Italic
100% (16 of 16)
Arimo Italic
100% (16 of 16)
Arimo Regular
100% (16 of 16)
100% (16 of 16)
100% (16 of 16)
100% (16 of 16)
100% (16 of 16)
100% (16 of 16)
100% (16 of 16)
44% (7 of 16)
Unicode BMP Fallback SIL
44% (7 of 16)
25% (4 of 16)
Arial Bold
25% (4 of 16)
Arial Bold Italic
25% (4 of 16)
Arial Italic
25% (4 of 16)
Arial Unicode MS
25% (4 of 16)
25% (4 of 16)
Calibri Bold
25% (4 of 16)
Calibri Bold Italic
25% (4 of 16)
Calibri Italic
25% (4 of 16)
25% (4 of 16)
25% (4 of 16)
Consolas Bold
25% (4 of 16)
Consolas Bold Italic
25% (4 of 16)
Consolas Italic
25% (4 of 16)
Courier New
25% (4 of 16)
Courier New Bold
25% (4 of 16)
Courier New Bold Italic
25% (4 of 16)
Courier New Italic
25% (4 of 16)
25% (4 of 16)
Cousine Bold
25% (4 of 16)
Cousine Bold Italic
25% (4 of 16)
Cousine Italic
25% (4 of 16)
DejaVu Sans
25% (4 of 16)
DejaVu Sans Bold
25% (4 of 16)
DejaVu Sans Bold Oblique
25% (4 of 16)
DejaVu Sans Condensed
25% (4 of 16)
DejaVu Sans Condensed Bold
25% (4 of 16)
DejaVu Sans Condensed Bold Oblique
25% (4 of 16)
DejaVu Sans Condensed Oblique
25% (4 of 16)
DejaVu Sans Oblique
25% (4 of 16)
Doulos SIL
25% (4 of 16)
Gentium Book Plus
25% (4 of 16)
Gentium Book Plus Bold
25% (4 of 16)
Gentium Book Plus Bold Italic
25% (4 of 16)
Gentium Book Plus Italic
25% (4 of 16)
Gentium Plus
25% (4 of 16)
Gentium Plus Bold
25% (4 of 16)
Gentium Plus Bold Italic
25% (4 of 16)
Gentium Plus Italic
25% (4 of 16)
25% (4 of 16)
25% (4 of 16)
Liberation Mono
25% (4 of 16)
Liberation Mono Bold
25% (4 of 16)
Liberation Mono Bold Italic
25% (4 of 16)
Liberation Mono Italic
25% (4 of 16)
Liberation Sans
25% (4 of 16)
Liberation Sans Bold
25% (4 of 16)
Liberation Sans Bold Italic
25% (4 of 16)
Liberation Sans Italic
25% (4 of 16)
Liberation Serif
25% (4 of 16)
Liberation Serif Bold
25% (4 of 16)
Liberation Serif Bold Italic
25% (4 of 16)
Liberation Serif Italic
25% (4 of 16)
Microsoft Sans Serif
25% (4 of 16)
Reader Sans Roman
25% (4 of 16)
Segoe UI
25% (4 of 16)
Segoe UI Bold
25% (4 of 16)
Segoe UI Italic
25% (4 of 16)
Segoe UI Light
25% (4 of 16)
25% (4 of 16)
Tahoma Bold
25% (4 of 16)
Times New Roman
25% (4 of 16)
Times New Roman Bold
25% (4 of 16)
Times New Roman Bold Italic
25% (4 of 16)
Times New Roman Italic
25% (4 of 16)
Tinos Bold
25% (4 of 16)
Tinos Bold Italic
25% (4 of 16)
Tinos Italic
25% (4 of 16)
Tinos Regular
25% (4 of 16)
Segoe UI Symbol
19% (3 of 16)