Unicode Character 'CUNEIFORM SIGN UN' (U+12326)

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Unicode Data
Block Cuneiform
Category Letter, Other [Lo]
Combine 0
BIDI Left-to-Right [L]
Mirror N
Comments kalam gunû
the names of this and the following sign incorrectly reflect the gunû relationship between them
Version Unicode 5.0.0 (July 2006)
HTML Entity (decimal) 𒌦
HTML Entity (hex) 𒌦
How to type in Microsoft Windows Alt +12326
UTF-8 (hex) 0xF0 0x92 0x8C 0xA6 (f0928ca6)
UTF-8 (binary) 11110000:10010010:10001100:10100110
UTF-16 (hex) 0xD808 0xDF26 (d808df26)
UTF-16 (decimal) 55,304 57,126
UTF-32 (hex) 0x00012326 (12326)
UTF-32 (decimal) 74,534
C/C++/Java source code "\uD808\uDF26"
Python source code u"\U00012326"
Java Data
string.toUpperCase() 𒌦
string.toLowerCase() 𒌦
Character.UnicodeBlock CUNEIFORM
Character.charCount() 2
Character.getDirectionality() DIRECTIONALITY_LEFT_TO_RIGHT [0]
Character.getNumericValue() -1
Character.getType() 5
Character.isDefined() Yes
Character.isDigit() No
Character.isIdentifierIgnorable() No
Character.isISOControl() No
Character.isJavaIdentifierPart() Yes
Character.isJavaIdentifierStart() Yes
Character.isLetter() Yes
Character.isLetterOrDigit() Yes
Character.isLowerCase() No
Character.isMirrored() No
Character.isSpaceChar() No
Character.isSupplementaryCodePoint() Yes
Character.isTitleCase() No
Character.isUnicodeIdentifierPart() Yes
Character.isUnicodeIdentifierStart() Yes
Character.isUpperCase() No
Character.isValidCodePoint() Yes
Character.isWhitespace() No