Tag List

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Tag currently sorted on Tag Description click to sort by Description # Resources click to sort by # Resources
[3D] 3-Dimensional Graphics (1)
[animation] Animation (2)
[audio] Audio (7)
[Autodesk] (2)
[binaryeditor] Binary Editors (5)
[charset] Character Sets (2)
[codepage] Code Pages (1)
[commercial_license] (2)
[common] Common (6)
[compatibility] (1)
[competitor] Comptitors to FileFormat.Info (6)
[compression] Compression/Archiving/Backup (20)
[convert] Converters (20)
[database] Database (2)
[DMCA] (1)
[document] Document (4)
[dotnet] Microsoft dotNet (4)
[ETL] Extract, Transform and Load (2)
[ffi] FileFormat.Info (7)
[fileformat] File Format Documentation (49)
[file-systems] File Systems (2)
[flash-memory] Flash Memory (16)
[font] Fonts (31)
[forum] (3)
[gdfr] Global Digital Format Registry (1)
[govt] Government or Government-backed (1)
[graphics] Graphics (19)
[hardware] (4)
[identification] File Type Identification (6)
[integrity] Integrity/Validation/Repair (2)
[internet_archive] (1)
[io] File Reading/Writing (15)
[JISC] (1)
[JSON] JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) (1)
[keyboard] Keyboards and manual input (1)
[links] Links (216)
[linux] Linux (2)
[magic] /etc/magic and similar (3)
[magnetic-disk] Magnetic Disk (21)
[magneto-optical-disk] Magneto-Optical Disk (4)
[microsoft] Microsoft (27)
[misc] Miscellaneous (6)
[mswindows] Microsoft Windows (4)
[multipage] Supports Multiple Pages (1)
[newformat] New Format (6)
[online_conversion] Online File Conversion (2)
[ontology] Ontology and Categorization (1)
[optical-disk] Optical Disk (1)
[paper] Paper (1)
[pdf] PDF/Acrobat (11)
[photography] Photography (5)
[physical-media] (1)
[politics] (2)
[preservation] Preservation (24)
[raster] Raster Graphics (14)
[regex] Regular Expressions (2)
[repository] File Format Documentation Repository (5)
[security] Security (2)
[spreadsheet] Spreadsheet (3)
[standard] File Format Standard (34)
[standardbody] Standards Organizations (16)
[sun] (1)
[syndication] Syndication and Feeds (1)
[tape] Magnetic Tape (16)
[text] Text Extraction and Manipulation (2)
[textextraction] Text Extraction (1)
[unicode] Unicode (20)
[unix] Unix (1)
[unlock] Unlocking, Decryption, Password Recovery (1)
[vector] Vector Graphics (7)
[video] Video (8)
[view] Viewers (11)
[vm] (1)
[w3c] (1)
[win32] (3)

Untagged Resources